September through May Victory Lutheran Church offers Christian education Sunday School for all ages from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Sunday School classes meet Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
Sunday Bible study offers Christian education for adults and meets at 10:15 on Sunday after the worship service. Come to study and discuss the Bible. Do you have a question you've been wanting to ask? Bring it.
Monthly activities and gatherings give you the opportunity to connect with others outside the church walls. Bowling, barbecues, service projects, potlucks. You just never know!
Choir rehearses weekly from September through May on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and sings in worship once or twice a month. We’d love to have you join!
Church members maintain our Victory Garden and share the produce with the congregation and the local food shelf.
Teens Active in Christ offers the opportunity for high school aged youth to connect, share, and grow through activities and studies.